
you think kids are the best? So cute and so much fun!


Just gotta keep pushing. Just telan it and keep on going. Funny how just a simple phrase can have such an impact on your day.
If I don't become an animator, I probably wanna be a janitor. =)


yea, I guess it's the year the 1989 peeps turn 21.

The date is 10th April 2010 and some dude name Bryan Lee Ming Tian turns 21 today. Anyway, I guess I could say a bunch of things about him. Tell everyone how awesome he is and crap like that but I'll just try and make it short. He's a good friend, and old friend and most probably a friend for life. =)

Happy birthday Bryan and God bless! May your day be a joyful one. =)


I deleted all the crap on my desktop. Totally deleted my whole Portfolio Presentation folder. I am satisfied now. So clean! =D Off to bed!


dalaboola hoola jaba

me presentation was delayed till tomorrow.

me website is now up up.

me give you link.

I can't stand a dirty desktop. Files and folders thrown everywhere.

I can't stand the recycle bin. It must be emptied.

I can't stand unused icons. They must be deleted or moved somewhere else.

I can't stand a fully utilized hard disk. Hate that red bar that shows you're using too much space.

I can't stand any program crashing. Especially Adobe.

That said,

because I can't stand a dirty desktop, I often clean it up and lose important files. Simply deleting files, thinking they must be some trash which isn't important.

because I can't stand the recycle bin, I always empty it. No matter what's inside. Lose important files too.

because I can't stand unused icons, I delete them. No worry there. =D

because I can't a fully utilized hard disk, I have 2 hard disks. Both 1 TB. Wahahaha....not yet reached even 50% usage.

because I can't stand any programs crashing, I have a love hate relationship with After Effects and Flash. The two programs which crash most frequently.

Anyway, my desktop is supahhhhhhh dirty now. But I'll tahan....I hope.....Wait for after submission then only clean. TAHAN!!!! After I ter-delete any important files. DIE! Tomorrow presentation. Bleh....


have a headache.